Toilet Teaching
Dr. Lewis
A. Coffin III |
There are
probably as many opinions on potty training as there are
parents, so any advice that I give must be taken as my
personal opinion and not scientific fact, if there is such a
thing regarding potty training. I am drawing on my wife's
memory regarding what worked well in our family. She
automatically assumed that potty training should be complete
by age two...continued,
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The Potty Train
Sharp |
I was
watching an old movie the other day, and yet another
teary eyed woman was waving her hanky at someone
terribly important in her life, who was leaving by train
for parts unknown. How sad for her. How exciting for the
one on the train, destined for new horizons, adventures,
places. It dawned on me that if life were run by Amtrak,
there would be....continued,
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Special Duty:
Digging the Bathroom Scene
Schneider |
Poop With
My most
intensely personal and grounded moments these days are
in the bathroom, potty-training my son, Benjamin.
Believe it or not, there is a whole subculture involved
in potty-training, kind of a parent's underground. As an
adult, it is a bit embarrassing to admit this, but much
of my conversation of late is involved with this
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Infant Potty Training
Laurie Boucke |
Home Page of
Infant Potty Training
Web Ring |
Philosophy- Babies are smarter than we think! The
big mistake that people make is to presume that a
newborn baby is unaware of going to the toilet. We
assume an infant is incapable of toilet learning since
infants are small and uncoordinated and also because
they cannot walk or talk. An infant is helpless in so
many ways that it is hard for Westerners to imagine...continued,
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