of Mother’s Milk for Premature Babies – Your
Breast Feeding Questions Answered
Article By Michelle O’Connor,
Breast Feeding Supply
Breastfeeding has a special benefit for premature infants. Premature babies are
those who are delivered before 37 weeks of gestation. The mother’s milk, under
such circumstances, helps in supplying important nutrients to the premature
infant. These nutrients help the premature infant to not only survive but also
develop a strong immunity against possible infections. Such infants develop the
immunity to protect themselves from a bowel inflammation disease (Necrotizing
Babies with medical problems since their birth, such as congenital heart
disease, Down’s syndrome, and many similar disorders develop immunity for such
diseases by breastfeeding. Oral suckling of breast milk by the baby contributes
to their optimal oral development and there is less risk of malocclusion. There
is a higher risk of baby bottle tooth decay in other babies who are bottle-fed.
Benefits for Nursing Moms
milk is not only beneficial for babies but is beneficial to mother as well. It
is understood that mothers who breastfeed their babies have many direct health
benefits. There is a high risk of hemorrhage in women within 24-48 hours of
childbirth. However, for women who breastfeed their infants during this period,
this risk is reduced or removed to a higher extent. The uterus of such
breastfeeding mothers contracts due the repeated burst of oxytocin, released in
response to the baby suckling the milk. This is a great protection mechanism
against hemorrhage.
performing continued exclusive nursing without giving any supplemental food to
their children have a tendency of delayed periods. This is called Lactational
Amenorrhea Method (LAM). LAM serves as a natural contraceptive for such women
and helps in maintaining proper age gap between two children. Not only this,
there is decreased iron loss in such women. It results in the decreased risk of
anemia that is likely to happen in women.
There is
rapid weight loss in women while breastfeeding their children. Almost 200-500
calories are used for milk production every day. To burn off these many
calories, a rigorous exercise regimen is required on a regular basis. However,
feeding mothers can stick to the same diet routine and still lose weight without
any extra efforts.
Other diseases in women that
breastfeeding can keep at bay: diabetes, breast cancer, uterine cancer, and
osteoporosis, are some of the diseases that you can avoid by breastfeeding your
Breastfeeding is undoubtedly more than a lifestyle choice. After becoming aware
of all its benefits, it is clear that no woman would deliberately want to
substitute her child’s food with an inferior artificial substance that does not
have any disease-protection mechanism.
By Michelle O’Connor,
Early Pregnancy Symptoms